Homes Current
12415 Coit Road "Six Acres"
Plat No. 631-13-004
subplot 4 in the Coe, Gilbert, and Shipherd Subdivision

Coe, Gilbert, and Shipherd acquired the property from Charles Coit on July 9, 1872.
L. M. Pitkin acquired the property from Sidney Norton On February 14, 1898
Oliver and Ina Clay acquired the property on February 26, 1898, and built a house. In 1900 the home became the new clubhouse for the Cleveland Golf Club.
William Mather acquired the property on February 14, 1913.
Emma Rehbert and George Martin acquired the property on May 20, 1925.
Edward and Hope Garfield acquired the property on January 3, 1929. The property contained the bar and shower building for the polo field. Abram Garfield redesigned the building into a house and gave it to his son as a wedding present.
Robert and Virginia Woide acquired the home July 17, 1970.
Raymond Gallucci acquired the home on April 7, 2000.
Sherri Dahl and Shannon Chaney acquired the home on April 22, 2012.