Edward Grasselli - Grasselli Chemical Company
12401 Coit Road "North Acres"

Edward Grasselli worked for the Grasselli Chemical Company, a manufacturer of sulfuric acid for the city’s growing number of oil refineries, sharing in the growth of the Standard Oil Co. Without Grasselli chemicals, Rockefeller would have been unable to refine oil.
The company established plants throughout the eastern United States and diversified its product line to include acetic acid, silicate of soda, fertilizers, and zinc. During World War I, it entered the explosives field by producing dynamite and black powder. Dye intermediates were added to the output in 1919. In 1928, Grasselli Chemical Co. consolidated with the E. I. Dupont de Nemours Co.
Edward Grasselli was born on February 23, 1887. He began kindergarten at Hathaway Brown School and continued his education at University School.
Edward married Juel Dowling. She was born on November 1, 1900. They had two children: Elaine Dowling (Hadden) born November 10, 1930, and Lucretia Bailey (Morrow) born on June 30, 1932.
Edward was extremely kind. Before the days of electric traffic signals, traffic policemen with semaphores were stationed at all the prominent intersections. Edward felt sorry for them, especially in winter.
When he no longer drove his own car, he would have his chauffeur drive up and down the Cleveland streets during the Christmas holiday season. Approaching a policeman, he would hand each one a handsomely wrapped Christmas present. He also went around to the different fire stations and gave gifts to the firefighters.
Edward was idolized by the working classes. He brightened up all who came in contact with him. He was brilliant and his humor and original sayings were unequaled. He was a member of the Tavern Club. He always sat in one chair located in the main lounge. His picture was placed on the wall above his chair.
Juel died on March 23, 1936, and was buried in Lake View Cemetery. Edward re-married Catherine Barrett who was born on August 3, 1900.
Edward Grasselli died on November 16, 1949, at age 62. Catherine died on August 13, 1968. Both were buried in Lake View Cemetery.