Memorable Events
Bratenahl Diamond Jubilee 1980

Bratenahl Village proclaimed Saturday, August 16, 1980, as the “75th Diamond Jubilee Day.” Throughout the day, the village celebrated its 75th anniversary with an extensive program. Past and present residents and special friends of the Village were invited.
The program for the day began with a huge parade at 11:30 a.m. starting at Eddy road and ending with the dedication of a tree at the Village Hall. Events throughout the day centered under the “Big Top” in the Village Park with dancing, singing, exhibitions, and other entertainment. Fireworks were set off at dark.
There was live entertainment and special shows in the afternoon for the children. The evening started with reserved box suppers, followed by speakers. Letters of congratulations sent by President Jimmy Carter, Ohio Governor James Rhodes, and Cleveland Mayor George Voinovich were read. William Goff was recognized as the longest resident and Samuel Mather’s Shoreby as the oldest current home. A fireworks display at dark with a band and dancing topping off the day until 11:00 p.m.