Homes Current
10530 Lake Shore Boulevard
Plat No. 631-18-008 and 631-18-009
Sublots 8 and 9 in the Haldeman and Patton Allotment

The land was conveyed by E. D. Sawyer, Sheriff, to J. C. Thompson and James Patton on June 14, 1888.
J. C. Thompson acquired the property from James Patton on February 18, 1889.
Jane Eadie acquired the property on April 4, 1887, and built a farmhouse in 1890. The home is a prototype of the first homes that the early settlers built after several years in a log cabin.
John and Marie Mollenkopf acquired the home on January 8, 1902.
Richard and Lydia Huddleston acquired the home on January 16, 1915.
Elsie Alexander, a long-time resident of Bratenahl, acquired the home on July 16, 1919. Part of her time was spent remodeling the house.
Margaret and Norman Siegel, newlyweds, rented the house from Elsie Alexander in 1935.
The house was remodeled in 1945 by adding to the second floor, adding a porch, and attaching a one-car garage. The roof was redone by adding wood shingles. On the southernmost corner of the lot was a concrete slab. This was the floor to a barn that went with the original farmhouse.
Edward andJane Raymond acquired the home on July 23, 1947. The house's furnace was the original furnace of Alexander’s main house and took up the entire basement. The Raymonds removed it since it was old, and more importantly, it was simply too large. The Raymonds were also active in the restoration of Dunham Tavern.
On October 16, 1965, Edward died, and the property transferred one half to his son Richard Raymond and one half to his daughter Lydia Raymond.
Richard and Constance Burton acquired the home on December 10, 1969. Richard was public relations director of the Cleveland Museum of Art.
Michael and Mary Jo Geier acquired the home on November 5, 1973. The Geiers made further improvements. The one-car garage was converted into a family room adjoining the kitchen. In addition, Geiers constructed a two-car garage at the rear of the lot.
John Pollock acquired the home on October 18, 1989.
Kathleen McPhillips acquired the home on October 22, 1990.
Michael Schmidt and Kathleen McPhillips acquired the home on July 20, 1993.
Bruce and Roberta Dei acquired the home on September 25, 2002.